Campaign for Real Routeing

We invite ISPs to sign up to the following declaration:

We recognise the risks to our Internet customers from the propagation of inaccurate Internet routes over the BGP protocol, but -- at the present time -- inaccurate data in the routeing registries prevents us from reliably detecting when errors are occurring:

We therefore commit ourselves to:

  1. publishing accurate and complete data in the routeing registries regarding the IP address space used by ourselves and our customers;
  2. encouraging others to view this data as being accurate and complete, and using this to detect and block routeing announcements which are inconsistent with this data;
  3. treating the data published by the co-signers of this declaration as accurate and complete, and detecting and blocking announcements of their routes which are inconsistent with this data;
  4. communicating promptly with others when their routeing data does not appear to be accurate and complete, with a view to resolving these issues without undue delay;
  5. developing tools and documentation for use by the wider community in improving the accuracy and completeness of routeing data, and for detecting and blocking inconsistent announcements.

Contact email and more information: richard AT demon DOT net

last modified 12 FEB 2008 --